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Profound articles bridged by simplicity
NeVer stop Trying
You are worth it
Published on September 28, 2004 By
Sometimes in our lives the plans we make do not follow the schedule we have set. When this occurs do not allow it to break your spirit. Evaluate why the outcome did not occur as you had planned. It is very easy to place blame on someone or something else in our lives. Is this attitude sincerely beneficial in our personal growth?
Looking inside ourselves is a difficult task for each of us but when one does it truly allows us to grow stronger.
We also tend to be extremely hard on ourselves during these times. When we allow this negative attitude to take over resulting in yet another negative outcome, remember we set the precedent.
When we are honest with ourselves and those around us and set forth in making positive steps towards change it will happen. It doesn't matter who we are, what our background is, or the mistakes we have made,what does matter is recognizing that we have the ability to change within us.
Sometimes there maybe someone in our lives that allows negativity to overcome their attitude. Regardless of who they are in relationship to us does not mean they have any right to devalue us as individuals.
Never allow someone to diminish your spirit
Each of us are unique in this world and have gifts to offer. Some of us have ripened fruits ready and others are still ripening this certainly doesn't mean one is any better then the other it just means one needs to add a little more sugar and that pie will taste fine.
Persevere~persist in something. You're worth it !
Have a beautiful day~!~
~Peace,Love,Health & Happiness~ Extended to each of you.
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on Oct 08, 2004
Think positive and reflect upon the world in a positive attiude is a good message. I personally however have to say that my philosophies is of realism and realistic expectations in this world. I have learned through life that living life through rose covered glasses you have a real rosy view of the world, but sometimes the harsher aspects of existance is lost upon you when you live that way. There are situations that occur that you need the darker view of life to get through and during those times, never giving up is key
on Oct 08, 2004
I find it ironic that this comes back up in the posts just after I find out I have a brain tumor... thanks for the positivity.(Is that even a word?)
on Oct 08, 2004
Your Welcome and you are in my prayers NeVer StoP and Never give up !!!!! G~d Bless
~Have a good day~!~
~Peace,LoVe,Health & Happiness~ Extended to you
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