Profound articles bridged by simplicity
What ~When~&~How
Published on September 19, 2004 By CamMeg In Philosophy
A brief preface to my philosophy of communication. I was born a communicator maybe not one that does so in a way that is familiar to some but certainly I have a flair for making my opinion known. No matter the situation I think it is extremely important to openly share it's how each of us can understand and relate to one another.Unfortunately we all are not the same in our communication styles. This is due to many reasons from the enviroment we grew in to the relationships we have endured throughout our lives.

What~ There are so many what's how is even possible for me to dive into them all. I will generalize here.
Your day....What you experienced
How you feel Physically ,Emotionally,Spiritually
Why you feel a particuliar way
Your Past
Your Friends
Your opinions

When~ Well when I understand varies based on the way you are feeling at a particulair moment. Yet always remember it's not all about you ,each of us myself far from exempt need to evaluate how the other person we are communicating too or lack there of may also be feeling at the moment if it has been communicated that is hehe. The bottom line is keep it flowing so no one feels the door is shut causing the other person to feel left out so too speak. When this happens especially to a person who has always been used to strong communication by all those around them it causes a confused state.

When these feelings of confusion are communicated it's a wonderful gift to the other for they may have been too busy to realize this was overlooked.

Another reaction maybe the following

The other that has not communicated something may find this reaction ludicrous feeling nothing is wrong. Unfortunately when the confusion is communicated this may react in a defensive manner feeling smothered instead of realizing this is just a person in their lives that cares and wants enlightenment.

How~ There are so many ways to communicate things just be sure the other person is aware of what exactly your trying to enlighten them too if not going the direct route.

I myself am very direct in my communication of what I want .....What I feel.....What my opinions are.....ect.
Although I am also known for reaffirming through symbolism in Colors......Pictures......Particular gifts ....Quotes.......Cards ect...but these are just examples on ways I reaffirm my commuincation.

We all make mistakes in our lives it's ok to communicate these to the other or have had challenges that needed work to overcome. But always remember without these things you wouldn't be the wonderful person you are today. If the person you communicate anything too truly LoVes you they will be sensitive to these experiences and continue to support you.

Don't let fear of the unknown ever keep you silent your voice is who you are

~Peace,Love,Health & Happiness~Extended to all

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